Livro (PDF): "Water kefir handbook: Water kefir recipes,step-by-step instructions, health benefit and more (English Edition)"


Eu recomendo o livro "Water kefir handbook: Water kefir recipes, step-by-step instructions, health benefit and more (English Edition)" escrito por Mary Paul. O livro é excelente para quem está interessado em aprender como preparar e se beneficiar com o water kefir.

O guia abrange tudo que você precisa saber, desde como preparar a bebida até como beneficiar da sua saúde. Mary Paul inclui instruções passo a passo, receitas de water kefir, benefícios para a saúde, e muito mais.

O livro é fácil de entender e abrange todas as informações necessárias para quem está apenas começando a fazer o water kefir. Além disso, as instruções são extremamente detalhadas e bem escritas.

Mary Paul também aborda outros assuntos relevantes, como o uso de ingredientes naturais, a fermentação de frutas, e outras variedades de levedura. Ela também dá dicas úteis sobre como armazenar, consumir e servir o water kefir.

Em suma, eu recomendo o livro "Water kefir handbook: Water kefir recipes,step-by-step instructions, health benefit and more" de Mary Paul. É uma ótima opção para quem procura informações completas e detalhadas sobre como preparar, armazenar e servir water kefir, bem como os benefícios que essa bebida pode oferecer para a saúde.


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Water Kefir: Thank you for downloading the Beginner's Guide.This book contains all the basic information needed to make water kefir, as well as widely proven steps and techniques. You may be familiar with the most popular milk kefir, but each has its own differences and will be part of an important discussion in this book.First of all, water kefir is a fermented milk drink made from sugar water and kefir grains, where different types of yeast and healthy bacteria form a coexistence relationship and strongly bind and assemble with the polysaccharide matrix produced by the microbes themselves . The symbiotic relationship of these microorganisms maintains their existence by breaking down the natural sugars that these microorganisms use for food, producing many complex proteins or enzymes, carbon dioxide, ethanol and the necessary lactic acid. .Although they typically produce lactose-fermented juices with an alcohol content of less than 1%, they also produce rich probiotics that significantly improve the overall health of the digestive system, including many of the health problems of the human body. Water kefir is also suitable for children and is a good introduction to the baby's diet. So, if water kefir is good for kids, imagine what it means for adults, and of course, for you!In fact, water kefir does not contain milk. It is therefore ideal for people with lactose intolerance. It's a more carbonated, lighter drink than milk kefir, and it's made in a number of ways. Water kefir is often a natural alternative to commercial soft drinks, and the probiotics are a huge plus.The name actually comes from the Turkish keif, which means well-being. According to legend, regular consumption of kefir is known to ensure the longevity and radiant beauty of the skin. In short, water kefir with large amounts of probiotics in its most natural form is a true elixir of nature!As a beginner, you don't have to worry about making your first kefir. Aside from the purpose of this book to point you in the right direction, water kefir is relatively quick and easy to make. In fact, it's a fun and delicious way to quench your thirst by adding more probiotics to your diet. Thanks again for downloading this book. On that note, I hope you'll read a good article and learn something valuable in the process!Leia mais


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