Livro (PDF): "Recipes To Take a Trip To La La Land: Let's Follow the Muse of The Heart (English Edition)"


Eu recomendo o livro "Recipes To Take a Trip To La La Land: Let's Follow the Muse of The Heart (English Edition)" de Remi Morris. Este livro é uma coleção de poemas que nos inspiram a viajar para dentro de nós mesmos e descobrir o nosso espírito. É uma obra que nos leva a um estado de consciência mais profundo, nos ajudando a conectar-nos com nossas verdadeiras aspirações. A escrita de Morris é encantadora, poética e seu tema principal é a cura. Ele escreve sobre soluções para problemas, sobre como superar a dificuldade e encontrar força nos nossos sonhos. O livro também nos motiva a buscar a felicidade e o equilíbrio em nossas vidas. Ele nos mostra como transformar os nossos medos, inseguranças e esperanças em coragem para seguir adiante.

Eu recomendo este livro pois é extremamente bem escrito e suas palavras podem nos ajudar a encontrar o equilíbrio em nossas vidas. É uma obra que procura nos motivar a enfrentar os nossos medos e desafios. Além disso, ela nos ajuda a ver a vida com novos olhos, nos mostrando como criar relações saudáveis com nossos sentimentos. A poesia de Remi Morris também nos leva a um estado de consciência mais profundo, nos permitindo descobrir a nossa verdadeira essência. É um livro que todos deveriam ler, pois encoraja o leitor a seguir adiante, enfrentar os desafios e focar nos seus sonhos.

Eu recomendo o livro "Recipes To Take a Trip To La La Land: Let's Follow the Muse of The Heart (English Edition)" de Remi Morris porque é uma obra poética que nos ajuda a encontrar as respostas que procuramos dentro de nós mesmos. É uma obra que nos motiva a superar nossos medos, encontrar a felicidade e seguir nossos sonhos. É um livro que nos ajuda a criar uma relação saudável com nossos sentimentos, e nos ensina a ver a vida com novos olhos. É uma obra que vale a pena ler, pois nos ajuda a nos conectar com nossas aspirações e nos encoraja a seguir adiante em direção à nossa felicidade.


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The movie La La land opens with its exuberant song and dancers, along with its lovely plethora of music in the beautiful city of Los Angeles. A varied group of people is seen abandoning their vehicles and starting to sing regarding the challenges they are constantly facing in the capital of make-believe and entertainment.Ryan Gosling is seen playing the character of Sebastian, a young man who seems too impatient and shows Emma Stone the finger as he is driving around her after the traffic jam gets cleared. Emma is playing the role named Mia, who is an aspiring actress. She is shown to be working at a coffee shop as a barista. The coffee shop is located at the studio of Warner Bros.Sebastian is shown to be working as a pianist in a restaurant club, playing Christmas songs. He is seen chiefly playing Christmas songs. Mia is seen coming into the place the same night when the manager (played by J. K. Simmons) is fired due to his deviation from the setlist. On the other hand, Mia seems to be eager to tell him that she likes his music very much, but he hastily moves out of the club, avoiding her on the way, instead of giving her any scope to speak to him.Mia and Sebastian are seen to be ambitious, have many dreams to fulfill, and become popular figures in La La Land. Mia is against humiliating auditions and hopes she will get a break eventually. At the same time, Sebastian dreamt of opening his jazz club and becoming the entire boss of the club.When Mia and Sebastian are finally meeting, they are seen wandering around Los Angeles and repeatedly engaging in dance and song in some old and good item numbers.The romance between Mia and Sebastian shines despite their sad outcomes in the hopes of making their dream a success. Mia is seen abandoning Los Angeles and returning home after one of her woman show bombs. Sebastian reduces his expectations and is seen joining a band of his old friend (as played by John Legend). The grand finale allows viewers to wonder what happens to Sebastian and Mia after becoming successful and fulfilling their dreams.Many artists do not draw back when the time comes to give up their intimate relationships to succeed in their professions or careers. In comparison, some artists or performers believe in the messy truth of just focusing on their dream. The movie has been inclined to the latter, so the audience is left with a bittersweet feeling about Sebastian and Mia.No matter whatever feelings the audience has taken home, the chemistry between Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone is heart-touching, and the way they sing and dance around in a retro-style musical movie is praiseworthy. La La Land also portrays the glorious images of Los Angeles in the form of an old-fashioned musical movie.Thus, after watching the romantic movie La La Land, we have gathered some unique recipes and found the loving recipes of your favorite characters from the movie La La Land.Leia mais


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