Livro (PDF): "Capita Kuro De Marte: Captain Kuro From Mars"


Eu recomendo o livro "Capita Kuro De Marte: Captain Kuro From Mars" de Nick Broadhurst. É um livro divertido e entretido. O livro segue a história de Capitão Kuro e seu pequeno grupo de amigos que estão presos no planeta Marte, lutando para sobreviver e cumprir sua missão de salvar a humanidade. A história é narrada de maneira hiperbólica e provoca um senso de aventura e mistério. A escrita de Nick Broadhurst é fluida, e como um leitor, você não terá dificuldade em seguir o enredo. O livro vai mantê-lo interessado desde o início ao fim, com suas reviravoltas e desenvolvimentos interessantes. O Capitão Kuro é um personagem encantador, e os outros membros de sua equipe contribuem para tornar a história ainda mais interessante. O livro também contém alguns momentos de ação e suspense que agradarão muito os leitores. Os temas que o livro aborda, como amizade, heroísmo, curiosidade e coragem, são atemporais e interessantes. Eu recomendaria este livro para qualquer pessoa que deseje ler uma história divertida e emocionante. É um dos melhores livros de ficção científica que eu já li e gostei muito de ler. Se você está procurando um ótimo livro para ler, então você definitivamente deve conferir "Capitão Kuro De Marte: Captain Kuro From Mars".


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Italian – Landscape Picture Book: The story is about a black cat in a spaceship, and her spaceship crashes on Earth. The cat’s name is Captain Kuro, and she is from Mars. This story and series are about her adventures with a young Australian boy named John. The story starts before she crashes and how she meets John, and the special way she is able to talk with him. John you see, is lost, and Captain Kuro finds his home, and then using her natural ability, being from Mars, she heals John’s sister. All cats can do this, as all cats are from originally Mars, per Kuro. Kuro of course, like all cats, has special magic abilities, and shows John, what she can do. For the rest of the story, you will have to enjoy reading the book.
The story is good for children, and it teaches them to follow their imagination. It allows them to believe what is really their own beliefs. The book is also being made available in comic-format, though the story was always designed for picture book format. There are twelve stories so far in this book series. It is in multiple languages.
The Captain Kuro From Mars series follows the Sequetus Series science fiction story, wherein there is a small animal from Mars, known as Kuro. This is the same black cat Kuro. The first book in the Captain Kuro From Mars series stars at the exact point where the twenty-three book Sequetus Series finishes.
The author, Nick Broadhurst, has a real cat, and her name is Kuro chan, which is Japanese for Miss Black. Kuro means black in Japanese. Kuro has insisted for years that she is from Mars and can do magic.
The author, an Australian, loves cats, and Kuro is a rescue cat who followed him home a kilometre in 2011. That was in Sydney. Kuro and the author have been together ever since. She lives with the author today in the Himalayas.
All proceeds from this book series go to educating children in Nepal.
Please enjoy the reading Captain Kuro’s adventures.


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